Health & Wellness
body recharging station

Founder & CIO - Chief Idea Officer
Robert Wallace
As a person that has always been fascinated with the science behind the human body's natural power to heal itself, I wanted to see if their was a way to help speed up the natural process. So, after years of researching, studying and testing wellness modalities I discovered that the science being done was real and so were the results.
I may have not discovered the fountain of youth, but what I found was really close. The human body may be able to heal itself on its own, but I discovered if you give it a little boost and take fairly good care of it, that it will perform much better, with less sickness or aches and pains associated as you age.

Recharge Annapolis - Owner
Heather Liberati
Hi! I’m Heather and want to share a little about my journey that brought me here. In 2021, my teenage daughter was complaining here and there about her legs hurting. It would come and go, so since we couldn’t pinpoint anything to tell a doctor, kind of ignored it, chalking it up to “growing pains”. She was 13, and growing like crazy. Didn’t seem odd. I was on a business trip and get a call from the school. They had to get her out of her class in a wheelchair because she walked in, but couldn’t walk out. I got on the next flight home, but….what do I do? How can she walk one minute and not the next? I didn’t understand what was happening. She’s literally scooting around the floor trying to just get to the bathroom because she absolutely cannot walk. I take her to her pediatrician. After some questions, he calls in an emergency psych referral to a local mental health clinic.
She’s absolutely not making this up. She’s not crazy. She can’t walk and is in a lot of pain, but where do I go now?!? Months of no sleep, researching what could possibly be happening led me to countless doctors, a weekend stay at one of the top hospitals in the U.S., multiple specialists at top hospitals all say she’s fine. It must be in her head.
Finally, my research led me to a functional medicine doctor. At that point, I didn’t totally understand what they did, but I’m desperate. After a few sessions, she mentions PANDAS. That had come up in research and she had strep frequently as a kid. This functional medicine doctor referred us to a PANDAS specialist. There was a six month wait. A week or so later, there had been a cancellation, and we were in! My daughter got in for the visit and they took some blood. Luckily this PANDAS specialist was also a Lyme specialist. Finally, we had an answer. She has Lyme disease, and the doctor is ready to treat. Her pediatrician had tested for Lyme before the psych transfer, and it had come back negative.
My daughter started the treatment the same day. Throughout her treatments, I’ve learned so much about Lyme, including how inaccurate the testing is for it and what all it entails to get better. After her treatments, she was able to walk again and felt so much better. Shortly after, thanks to a mosquito bite, she and I both contracted babesia with most of the same symptoms plus severe air hunger. My symptoms were much of the same, but I was able to walk…the babesia followed the Lyme and took away her ability to walk. Luckily, already had a Lyme literate doctor who treated the babesia and successfully got rid of it. About a year went by and she started having inflammation issues with her knees again.
The Lyme doctor said she was still showing in remission and he kind of gave up, not knowing why this was happening again. It would happen on and off for about a year until I got a second opinion from a different Lyme practitioner. They were able to see two active strands of Lyme and started different treatment. As of now, she is in remission and getting back to normal teenage life.
Throughout her health journey, I wanted nothing more than to help her feel better. As a Mom, there is nothing worse than being helpless to take the pain away from your child. We have introduced and used so many different modalities to get her through her treatments and provide inflammation relief while her body tried to heal from the damage of Lyme and Babesia. The cost of Lyme and other tick borne diseases is not covered by insurance and extremely costly. If a place like this existed nearby, letting us use equipment that would ease her pain and help her body heal itself for a flat monthly fee whenever she needed, that would have just taken so much stress and cost off of my plate.
If I can help even one person ease that burden and find some relief, I want to, which has led me here. Dealing with chronic Lyme disease, or any illness for that matter is so hard anyway. Helping provide access at an affordable rate is what I want to do to help others that may find themselves in the same situation. Much love and wellness to you!